Sunday, April 14, 2024

Hard to find non fiction

its so hard to find some non fiction books. im looking for Naomi kleins book on the environmental crisis n Noam Chomskys books on language luck.i went to a bookshop and found Jared Diamonds book Upheaval on crisis and change but the price is too im looking at second hand book shops.i found a gem yesterday a book published in 1997 called how the mind works by Steven Pinker but the book seller jack up price to rm100.too costly.thank goodness for john Brockmans of edge org the editor of the third culture who publish interviews n insights by top public intellectuals n thinkers in the Western world from scientists to artists.i get my book fix from these open source of knowledge as the cost of ignorance is regressive and oppresive. Naomi Kliens book this changes eveything the case of capitalism vs climate change really intrigues me how the neoliberal system and environmental destruction is corelated.i feel population explosion is harbinger of environmental damage as mechanisation of agricuture,use of chemicals to increase yields and sheer need for construction of cities to house massive population and adoption of scientific technology like nuclear plants cause damage to the environment.of course overconsumption of resources is part of the problem as there is enough for all our need but not all our greed as Gandhi advised. im dying of curiousity to read jared diamonds book Upheaval how to respond to crisis and changes in which certain international cooperation is crucial to combat environmental crisis like the global convention on pollution of marine waterways by international shipping. i wish there is a whats app group of book lovers i can go to to exchange books to read instead of buying them,incurring costs and lack of storage space im thinking of buying boxes to store books under my bed. im happy that popular book fair has some quirky translated Japanese fiction writers like mieko kawakamis Breast and Eggs.but im looking for southeast asian writers this year and im so disappointed no vietnamese or myanmar writers on sale locally. thinking on climate change,what is the effect of climate change on food security? did the global warming of seas cause explosion of algae bloom that infected our shellfish with neurotoxins.Is the increase in dengue cases due to explosion of mosquito breeding due to watmer temperature?will food production like rice,vegetable n animal husbandry be impacted by rise in flooding and seawater leaching into fertile land.will pollution reduce accessibility to fishing resource s.will we have to eat insect burgher soon? will cases of skin cancer increase when ozone layer is damaged

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