Friday, October 7, 2022

Beating the proverbial war drum

 The worlds biggest warmonger is beating the proverbial war drum with its scaremongering of nuclear war risks.the earlier warmomgers did it by drumming up rhetorics of the weapons of mass destruction in pretext of invasion of Iraq and regime change.The coopting of the western media in fake news dissemination reeks of lies and biasness.Here they go again with their latest weapons of mass destruction in a nuclear armagaddon.Is fear mongering any different today as a tactical tool to escalate conflict and sell more armaments.the western media are good at spinning the truth..lets hope the Europeans and Americans get a taste of their own medicine in living in a nuclear winter of discontent with soarimg energy prices and depleting gas stocks.its akin to experiencing the effects of climate change when all hell freezes over.

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