Thursday, October 6, 2022

Man,not the Earth,makes civilizations

 Ruminating after flipping thro The lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant.They really let me see the big picture and how we are living in the Anthropocene era where humankinds footprint on the ecology could spell disaster for us and the planet,much more than the earlier natural disasters and wars inflicted on the Earth.We re really hell bent on self annihilation.

The Durants look at how geology,biology,,religion,race,character,economics and war are predeterminants that shape the course of human history.mind blowing ideas.

So looking at how western imperialism wrecked havoc in central America,the Middle East,Africa and parts of Asia,how will the global South view the hegemonic powers they unleashed on the developing world ? The Europeans caused two world wars and untold conflict and suffering worldwide so are they planning the third global war?

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