Saturday, October 8, 2022

Consumer mantra

The cantonese consumer have a mantra when purchasing stuff its known as "pang,chang,liang" it translates as cheap,cool and looks good.

So i feel my future EV vehicle is the great wall Ora good cat.its a smart car with AI features that remembers my regular parking sites and can self park and the sensors help me to prevent colliding with big vehicles on the road.its affordable,cool and looks good.its emvironmentally friendly and best it is cool and good looking.where the past we look at Ford Motors or BMW now the future is reduce carbon emission using EV .

Where elevator and escalators used to be Hitachi,Mitsubishi,Schneider or Schmitt,now its the China lifts and escalators using A I technology.there is less direct contact with buttons on lift panels that carry hygiene of covid infection but use contactless cards to tap or even the fingerprint on our smartphone to scan the floors so its better security for residents sharing space with commercial offices in high rise.

In terms of cooking utensils,my wishlist is for intelligent pots that automatically shuts off when the soup boils over the stove and messes up the kitchen or it can self stir so the sauce doesnt stick to the bottom of the pot or there is a water dispenser  at the side of pot that automatically dispense water when it detects the sauce is drying more scrubbing burnt out bottom of pots.

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