Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Which is the most urgent?

It would take greater global collaboration to battle the existential crisis on earth and leaders with far sighted vision of the future,leaders who will unite nations together and not divide and rule.

Faced with multiple crisis on multiple fronts,which is the most urgent?

1. Pandemic and its control 

2. A war on the continent,threatening to spread to other parts as nations choose sides.

3.A looming food and energy shortage that destabilizes politics and cause hunger

4.Global warming with heatwave,n wildfires

5.Rising inflation

6. Risk of escalation to nuclear conflict

7. Animal extinction

8. Rise in mental illness and long covid after effects

9. Education and travel disruptions and disruption of supply chain

10. An escalation of the Cold War of ideology 

11. No money,no honey.

I feel that for leaders of a nation,any point from 1 to 10 is urgent to save humanity from destruction but on a personal human level,the most important thing is lack of money and lack of love.(not necessarily romantic love but parental or sibling,neighbour or communal,patriotic or self love)

Perhaps in seeking for the answer,i came across the book by Steven Pinker Enlightenment Now that offers  optimism in how reason science and humanism  and progress offered a way to look at a positive scenario.

"Any jackass can kick down a barn but it takes a carpenter to build one."

So reading a summary of Enlightenment Now helps reorient my thinking

"Any jackass can start a war but it takes a visionary to rebuild the world for a better future for all"

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