Thursday, August 8, 2024

Kill that thought

Should opinionx br cenored?Everyone has a right to how they think but not if words are weaponised to harm others.Censorship is needed to prevent terrorists from recruiting new fighters or scammers from cheating people of money.Unscrupuloud,illicit. activity like pornography should be regulated. But how far should censorship go if the power is open to abuse by dictatorialgovernments to suppress free speech or talks critical of the ruling power or dissents.Thats the danger of absolute power to control information. if a government uses harsh kill switch to censor information,would the people know about the abuse of power by president Nixon in the Watergate scandal?Would the people know the wrongdoings of the US military misadventures in Iraq as the narrative. of weapons of mass destruction was exposed or the bombing of a milk powder factory in Iraq condemned as it was portrayed officially as a factory producing toxic suspicious substances.Would the corrupt activities of governments be known to the public if the government operates the kill switch to ban the dissemination of news it deems offensive to it The internet levels the playing field at a time media organizations can be regulated by other words the government can control what the public get to see and know so technically there is no freedom of expression even by western media companies. thats why Wikileaks and Snowdens expose the misdeeds of governments that use national security as a tool to cover up its abuse of power. so when the communication and law minister proposes a kill switch to the social media network,its LOLtalk about our nation producing a flying car so if cows can fly,try blocking out free expression.even with the great firewall in China people turn to VPNs to access information .Some tech genius will find a loophole to get the peoples views to be aired so kill the thought of censorship on the internet.

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