Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pissed off

Both male occupants in the home pisses me off.the human one is so lazy to do housework,his toilet stinks like a nightmarish hell hole when i was forced to clean it as its unhygienic n disgusting.never does the laundry and just keeps unfolded clothes in laundry basket piling up. if the big baby is bad,the devilish tom cat is worse.he tried to hurl his body on my foldable screen to bring it crashing down.he pulls off the leaves of my potted bamboo plant and pisses on my bookshelf.he scratched ugly marks on the padded chair and dipped his dirty paw into the fish tank.the neon tetra and angel fish all died as water was contaminated by his dirty paw that he uses to dig the kitty litter.i had to sterilize the fish tank and bought new platy fishes again.wait im gonna buy a powerful water gun to shoot him soon.these two males drive me up the wall.

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