Monday, August 12, 2024

Love works wonders

ive adjusted my routines after chatting with my retired zumba pal.She exercises daily and gets up at 5am to go to the park for dawn qi gong except Sundays when she dances zumba with us.She has a 2 hour session including warm ups and cool down. She says it helps to wake up her body gently. So i thought,when i start my car engine in the morning,the panel signal lights warn that the engine is taking time to warm up so i dont switch on air con or head lights yet until the blue icon turns off. Sometimes when weather is raining or air con is too cold,i open the windows and turn off the air con.When i try to get off the bed,my feet and toes blood circulation stagnates when i lie still. following my mates advice,i tap my feet and when i woke up this morning,i rub massage hot oil to warm up the joints.then i dld the tapping exercises my qi gong sifu taught to stimulate the meridian points from nape,wrist,arms,ankle,butt and knees.then i did the eight brocade qi gong to warm up. i had a cup of hot ginger tea as i sat in the rocking chair to read Haemi n Sunims book love for imperfect things.this self help book is my meditation and mental helps give me peace of mind and mental clarity before i start the day . it resonates with me when this korean monk says (If you take home a cat and care for it even if one thats been abandoned and is dirty,it wont be long before it becomes the cutest cat in the world.) my cute Captain kitty ,thats him hes talking about. Korean novelists are becoming popular.the title of the self help book on dialogues between a depressed patient n her shrink is pretty intriguing.I want to die but i want to eat toppbokki first.For lunch i went to try korean street food of chewy rice cakes or toppokki and a pancake with brown sugar filling called hotteok.i love eating
foreign cuisine as its totally new to me. the movie The hundred foot journey prompted me to try Indian and French can someone in Malaysia make a movie showcasing ice kacang or cendol or satay.Namewee did promote Nasi lemak so ABC or ais batu campur shaved ice is next. Aku Buta Cinta (ABC) Blinded by Love the tale of puppy love at the ABC stall or how first love is always the sweetest. A 17 year old girl helps her mom run the ice kacang stall in a foodcourt.A blind 19 year old busker sings for a living in the food court.He is of mixed blood of indian chinese parentage and given away by his indian birth mother who was a teenage mom.He grew up in an orphanage with 30 other kids.To support his computer studies and pay for his college fees,he busks every night The girls mother would offer free ABC to him everytime and as the two got to know each other,they fell in love but her parents were dead against the relationship as they couldnt forsee them being compatible They send her to study foundation in another state far away to separate the young lovers.She was bright and got into a medical foundation programme.Her parents had high expectations and didnt want her to waste her life on a boy of dubious parentage and of uncertain future.get real they advised her.Your future is bright,dont get tangled with a blind singer He was heartbroken at the short lived romance.he took part in a national level singing idol contest and won the top prize.That won him singing contracts and reality show performances.carefully he saved enough to study in the US for a computer science degree in speech recognition.he did so well that he was offered scholarships to pursue his PHds.He lead an independent life after being offered a researcher job in a top notch start up. Meanwhile the girl suffered a mental breakdown while pursuing her first year medical degree.Her parents had to bring her back to her hometown.She studied culinary arts instead and threw her passion into her career She married a fellow chef,started her own restaurant until she discovered her husband was a serial gambler.To pay off the loan sharks,she had to sell her business He started to leech on her and beat her up when she wouldnt lend him money.Fed up she divorced him and took custody of their daughter is.Starting life anew,she opened a small stall in the same food court her parents had a business day,a blind man went to eat at her stall n ordered the ABC.He had come back to meet some orphans he was sponsoring at the orphanage he grew up in.the ex lovers reconnect but they had each their own separate lives.would a second spring be possible?stay tuned They kept in touch when he went back to the US.He sent her money to invest in a new cafe in town.The cafe became a roaring success and she expanded her business and repaid his investment.meanwhile her exhusband continued borrowing from loansharks.She was not so heartless to reject her daughters father totally n continued to bail him out . One day he got a letter from the girls father.After he scanned it with his speech recognition software,he found it was a newspaper cutting that reported a fire that gutted a house and killed the occupants ,a mother and her daughter.Police investigating the case suspected the arsonist was the ex husband who was heavily indebted to loan sharks and he had been taken into custody. Enclosed in the letter was a metal locket he had given her as a farewell gift when she moved to the hostel to study medical foundation.Sometimes he realised you cant turn back the clock .The choices made will lead each down a different destiny. . . 19 .

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