Sunday, August 4, 2024

Live acting

Many models are reborn as singers and movie stars but it takes a lot of professionalism to succeed in this cut throat entertainment business of movies and songs. Good looks can only carry one so far but if you lack the talent,good looks are a poor substitute.Now actors can do livestreaming to earn a more stable consistent income compared to acting n singing that has limited lifespan.even Steve Tyler of Aerosmith has to quit when he lost his voice. Acting needs talent and the theatre provides good training for acting from voice or vocals to body aint easy to act live in a theatre show and youve to be well prepared to not make mistakes in front of so many eyes on making a movie actors can reshoot a scene or use post editing production to cover up mistakes but not in live theatre with limited prop,costumes or backdrop to distract and fellow actors are the centre of attention and if you mess up your lines,you affect your co actors in the scene. We have theatre icons from Faridah Merican,Sukania Venugopal to Jo Kukanthas and Pearly Chua.Im dying to see the play directed by Faridah on the lives of the Soong sisters which was made into a movie starring Michelle Yeoh ,Vivian Wu and Maggie Cheung. The actors and actresses have to be really good to surpass the movie production. look at Pearly Chuas solo performance which i saw in 1990 with the spotlight on her acting monologue for an hour or more with no backdrop or co actors.thats the test of a good acting.Emily of Emerald Hill came to life as the nyonya matriarch shares her life story with the audience.

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