Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wild wild dream

I was really tired after gardening yesterday.i pulled weeds and hacked down overgrown plants,i trimmed deadwood and repotted was hot and backbreaking. After that mopping the floor and cleaning toilets until by evening my shoulders were aching. last nite i had the wildest dream that i loved i dreamt i visited my cousin sister in Singapore and third uncle was still alive.My crazy cousin took me out on a slow fishing boat to explore some off shore islands. ive never felt so at peace as when iam in nature..ive felt so serene exploring islands in Singapore.the stunning sunset of glowing twilight among the dark trees of a swamp, eagles were circling in the sky,swooping down to catch fish.i can taste the briny seawater as the waves splash on my face.then we landed on a deserted island and went clam digging and fishing on the shore we dived into the crystal clear sea and small fishes came nibbling at our toes.nature gives me tranquility and joie de vivre.i feel so alive in the sea,sun and blue skies.i didnt want to get out of the dream but my bladder made me wake up.i really miss the sound and feel of waves lapping the sandy shore

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