Friday, August 16, 2024

Uncanny eerie lookalike

Both were former male models.Cha Seung Won is a South Korean model turned actor whilst Hu Bing is a China model turned actor cum singer.Both are nearly the same age in early 50s.Its eerie how they look like carbon copies.Hu Bing has done some plastic surgery to enhance his facial features to look like this K movie star Cha Seung Won. real doppelganger.Im ok with aging disgracefully but when your face and figure is your fortune,then you need to spend a fortune on anti aging procedures. All i pray for is good health to live well,travel,exercise,try new hobbies or cook exotic food A man who has no hobbies or passion apart from his work is boring as shit leading a live to work one dimensional life instead of a multi faceted one. this south korean couple,in late 50s n early 60s are more inspiring as they workout a lot,eat healthy n lead independent lives running their own botox or plastic surgery as i presumed or maybe some photoshop is ok.

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