Thursday, September 7, 2023

Have a TGI Friday day!

 Wow its weekend,time to chillax or take a chill pill i work out by doing finger exercises to loosen arthritic fingers.the youtube physio virtual hand care is very clear and concise in her explanation.Bright ,sunny morning at Kiara Park and my exercise buddies push us to do stretches to gether.Theyre like applauding our small achievements to hold a stretch and readjust misaligned postures.sweating like hell after 20 mins of warm up.then its an hour non stop on workout machines.

Went home and vacumned and washed the car.then cleaned kitty litter and washed balcony but kitty satan squeezed thro a gap in living room glass sliding door and i ran round bending down under sofa and tables to lure him out.bloody tiring frisky kitten.

I should keep life simple at this age coz the more i possess,the more i spend time maintaining it like the ornaments collecting dust,the potted plants,the fish tank and now the cat cage and cat litterbox.

Im trying a new recipe fettucine with chicken strogganoff.used greek yoghurt n not sour cream.i ask my exercise buddies on tips to eat healthy so i use olive oil for coating noodles.i eat fresh fruit instead of drinking smoothies.the young fitness friends give good suggestions  like eating nuts and avocado for good fat.really learned from them like not buying overprocessed food with too much more frozen nuggets.i buy chicken tenderloin n coat with eggs n breadcrumbs instead.

A Japanese philosophy on Ikigai helps me to destress

Singimg the blues also boost the in the mood for jazz and soulful music.


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