Monday, September 4, 2023

Why you so xiao?

 In Singlish or Manglish,we mix up Malay ,English and Chinese n Tamil words.Of course,the easiest to pick up are the swear  words.

Dress your age ,mom and stop wearing my black T shirts.You're too old for it.yeah when the T shirts have naughty risque messages like Naked,Let Us Do really riles  youngster when i dress hipster style.

Now where did i put the pink wig and cats eye sunglasses that i bought.Fashion is in my blood being brought up in a tailoring business.Before mass factory produced clothing,bespoke tailoring  was the in thing.In New Town,the Spark Man shop, ,the go to for bespoke tailoring was also Hudson tailor,Jims shop,Vincent tailor and Sixik tailor.Now if you ask the Gen Z to go to the haberdashery,they will be clueless.In those days,we went to retail textile shops like Mun Loong and Isetan to pick up fabric samples.Does fashion have an age limit.Why should it?I browse thrift shops,flea markets and bundle shops for clothes that suits my taste.

Now Jun says "Why you so xiao? You dress up like a lao hiao or hokkien slang for an old vain pot.i got some badass attitude problem.just excuse it by saying im nya nyok or senile.its the 21st century  but im stuck with the flower power hippy or bell bottom john travolta night fever.look at the article on mature models in the where can i find  slick black leather pants like Olivia Newton Johns and catsuits.?

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