Saturday, September 2, 2023

Kitty in black n white


Help i got manipulated by a smart n sassy kitty.Captain is a tabby with a white belly and a  circular patch of grey hair in the.middle of his belly.he has white socks on 4 paws

Now the cunning kitty is very frisky n playful.when he meows loudly at midnight,i went to the balcony to check if he was ok
He had deliberately pulled down the bottle of drinking water n the moment i opened the cage door,he darted out n ran to back of the big pails.Shit he wanted to play in middle of nite coz he slept all day.
He played with the dried leaf and when i put him back into the cage,he put on a big tantrum,screeched n yelped and rattled the cage and tried to jump out.i quickly bolted the door,switched off the balcony lite n went back to bed at one in the morning.its challengimg to outwit him.hes the boss in the so very tired caring for him or catching him as he zooms as fast as lightnimg.
Ive finished reading novel She and her cat.i feel Captain kitty is like Kuro,the feral street cat whos king of the city.i love the story as it unfolded from a bud to unfurling the form a lotus.Mimi is an aging mama cat 
Each owner has her fair shate of love won and lost as do the cats who has unrequited love and
separation and matetnal bonding.
The narrative doesnt have twist amd turns bit is a tale that draws together animals and humans.

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