Thursday, August 4, 2022

Measure of self worth

 Often in society,women are judged by how they look and men are judged by what they own.

This drives the appearance conscious society,the women who are popular influencers are judged by their facial beauty,their sexy figure or the clothes they wear while men flaunt the big houses,cars ,yachts and luxury goods or trophy girlfriends.

It leads to an immense pressure on women to look good to feel good so they resort to plastic surgery or liposuction to reconstruct their appearance .Some even become anorexic to keep up with the beauty norm defined by social media.At the end of the day,beauty is only skin deep as it will not last forever.Inner beauty is the soul that keeps on shining with passage of time.

As Ulrich Janse put it so succintly in his post on the measure of self worth.


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