Friday, August 5, 2022

the oldest profession

 Mom always felt the future is female.looking at varsity admissions,females outnumber males in graduate n postgraduate programs.females have resilience and high thresh hold for pain.

 Men especially the Chinese take the easy way out in life especially setting sights on earning a fast buck so its the males who get involved in illicit businesses to earn big money whether human trafficking,drug trafficking,gambling rings or prostitution rings or scamming rings or money laundering or forgery

These masterminds work behind the scenes,can be educated and well connected to authorities like immigration, they bribe and pay off law enforcement who turn a blind eye to these illicit dont be naive to admire those rags to riches fairy tales,they sell their souls to the devil to gain kingdom of riches.

 The underground businesses are lucrative,dont need to pay company taxes,sales and service taxes or maintain high capital reserves or debt liabilities.As long as there is demand,there is supply.Mens nerves are wired for addiction whether for sex,drugs alcohol,money or pleasure the flesh and drug and booze trade is easy money.thats how secret societies and illicit trade becomes profession of choice for men who are possessed by wealth.they build up legit  upfront businesses to launder ill gotten gains.

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