Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The role of the clown

 The clown or court jester has a vital role to represent the interest of the commoner to the aristocracy and monarch.the clown acts as a check and balance to prevent the arrogance and superiority complex of the aristocracy who is out of touch with reality on the ground as they are walled in by wealth and power.the clown acts as a bridge between the commoner and the rulers.

So the clown pokes fun at taboo topics to provoke the audience to look at things in a different to make jokes and comedy requires a person of high intelligence to see through the masks of hypocrisy or self importance or biased thinking.

Charlie Chaplin the iconic comedian represented the plight of working class Englishmen,their struggles and a deeply humanistic view of the oppressed and underclass in society.His modern counterpart is Mr Bean,John Cleese and Sacha Baron Cohen.

So even in classical drama,the clown is  vital to entertainment to relieve stress and as a safety valve to political why are Malaysian authorities making a fool of themselves by banning comedy clubs?

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