Friday, March 4, 2022

End the war. Make peace

in a war,its not about who's right but who's left.its not important who started the war first but how to end the war fast.there will be loss of lives and money on both sides.who gets to win are ultimately the politicians and the arms trade and arms manufacturers. both sides will lose their most productive members of society at the prime of their lives.Buildings and infrastructures are replaceable but humans arent. who are the master strategists who beat the war drum?they dont sacrifice their own lives but the lives of countless ,innocent people.the USA used to interfere in regime change and in so doing sacrificed countless American young people for the sake of defending an ideology whether it is a cold war or the war on terror.what happened to the war veterans?they suffered post traumatic stress ,lose their limbs to disability and maybe breakup of marriages and families.this is the hidden cost of war but the war strategists are untouched and win all the honour and political support. so in this war,a small nation made a miscalculated move! it became a pawn in the proxy war of letting Nato place its missiles on its soil,it provoked the enemy at its door and suffer a backlash now.does it have the membership of NATO or European Union? No,so why did it want to poke a hornets nest without a protective suit? now the US has wised up and wont incur human and financial cost by military just imposes economic sanctions which again only hurt the ordinary people but not the superrich oligarchs who are powerful,well connected and have secret accounts and foreign hideouts to keep safe from the fight.the sacrifice comes from ordinary civilians,not the rich and powerful. so as the Chinese strategy says borrow a knife to kill your enemy.its time a small nation has to make the hard choice,what is the price to pay for a war?i dont feel Russia wants a revival of the old soviet union empire but a buffer zone against the threat to its own homeland security.placing hypersonic missiles in Ukraine is akin to placing a gun at the temple of your enemy.they dont like to play the game of russian roulette and not knowing when it will be sent to hit them. so peace negotiations will be a more sensible stance before this proxy war draws more nations into another global conflict whatever nearby nations are facing exodus of refugees and a possibility of a nuclear catastrophe if the conflict escalates.make in reading the indian times,i see a different picture and why India n China didnt support censuring Nato didnt place any missiles in Ukraine.essentially Russia was against Nato expansion eastward .when one resist but the other persist,thete is bound to be a crisis. despite the "character assasination" by the western media in its war of misinformation,smaller nations could learn from the chinese government which got priorities right by uplifting the economic and social status of its own people first.let the war be against poverty,corruption and climate hard to fight poverty,eradicate corruption and solve climate change.look at the seriousness of homelessness in LA n San Francisco,the soup kitchens n tent cities today.look at the level of crime and wide inequality between rich and poor.look and open your eyes to racial disparity and gender inequality in the MAGA point to win the war of ideology if you cannot fight domestic battles to win war against poverty,inequality,climate change.pick your fights and get priority right look at the progress China made from the devastation of second world war and oppression of the imperial system.its citizens get universal higher education,they eradicated hard core poverty,improved provision of public housing and medical healthcare,leapbound progress in science and technology and now fighting climate change.just wish our governments can make similar reforms to uphold standard of living of our nation.

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