Wednesday, March 23, 2022


the Sino American duel can be likened to the chinese idiom,loong fu dao or duel between the dragon and tiger.both parties will suffer in a duel. so here we have the brash,louder than life American cowboy with fully loaded guns in the Wild Wild West going to shoot from the hips all those badass good for nothings born losers. then in comes a yellow peril ,the iconic kung fu martial artist with rippling muscles and solid hard body and give formidable punches of death of fury fists and flying kicks of enter the dragon. so in the duel of dragon and tiger,who will live to dominate the world.sorry,since its the year of the tiger,its exit the dragon and enter the its the mang fu ko gong.the ferocious tiger will leap over the gorge.oops looks like the russian Grizzly bear beat all at the game.when its hu dao long zheng or duel between two formidable opponents,remember the malay idiom gajah sama gajah,berjuang,pelanduk mati di tengah tengah.when two elephants fight,the mousedeer that is caught in between gets trampled

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