Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mahasupinda jataka king of kosala

king Pasenadi the king of Kosala had 16 frightening dreams.he went to lord Buddha who interpreted the dreams which are prophecies for the future.these predictions will see the moral decay of civilization due to corrupt kings,,unjust laws in which judges sucumb to bribery,children who are unfilial and mistreat their elderly parents,climate change in which there will be thunder but bear no rains,widespread famine n poverty.the 16 dreams can be accessed at www.dhammawheel.com.there are interpretations according to sri lanka,myanmar and thai traditions. the first dream. 4 royal bulls from east,west,north,south enter the bull ring of the royal courtyard to fight but retire after they bellow and roar.Buddha interpreted the dream by predicting in future evil kings will rule so the rain clouds will gather but bear no rain the ninth dream king of kosala saw a deep pool with shelving banks all around and overgrown with 5 kinds of lotuses.from everyside,2 footed and 4 footed animals flocked to drink of the waters.the water in the middle was muddy but the water at the margin was clear and sparkling where the animals went down into the pool to drink. the Buddha interpreted thus.in future whenever the rulers are found wanting and rule the country without regard to fair play and justice,the rulers will hanker after riches and grow fat on bribes and show no mercy,love or compassion for its people.due to insufferable taxes and oppressive conditions in the country,people shall flee from villages and towns and take refuge at the borders of their land.the heart of the land will become a wilderness while the borders will teem with people even as the water is muddy in the middle and clear on the sides. Look at the current events in Sri Lanka and Myanmar where the economic crisis in sri lanka is so bad that people cant even buy food,medicine,fuel or even exam paper.look at Myanmar which is so oppressive that decent people take refuge in jungles to take up arms.the only steady buddhist nation is Bhutan ,Cambodia,Laos and Thailand and Mongolia.so the well being of a nation depends on the political institutions that govern well regardless of political ideology.China as atheist nation gives a better quality of life to its people compared to those which have state religion.people yearn for a good life in the here and now rather than the hereafter.

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