Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Do statistics lie?

Why is suicide the highest among the
Chinese community in Malaysia?Since the lockdown of Covid pandemic,many small businesses have been badly impacted.ive seen Chinese coffee shops kopitiam and small mom n pop provision shops and hardware shops going out of business especially some with more than 15 to 20 years of establishment.The folding up intensify after rise in electricity and water tariffs and increase of SST o 8 per cent and difficulty hiring foreign workers Of course digital .technological changes also affected face to face businesses as online shops offer cheaper deals and better marketing strategy using influencer marketing mode.So these traditional business are unable to compete.The suicide rate is lowest among Malays as they get privileges and governmental social assistance not granted to other races Besides many Malays are employed in government or GLC and their iron rice bowls are protected. With loss of breadwinners incomes,males face stress of personal problems like divorce or loss of parental rights and loss of face in the community that looks at a mans self worth based on his income and assets.So suicide becomes the last option of depressed and isolated males in a society that values materiaiism and status. A changing demographics also sees the loss of support for the sick and elderly.The grown up children have migrated to other countries or moved to other states to work.These vulnerable elderly cannot cope with technological changes living isolated lives and get scammed by crooks and swindlers of their life savings and so commit suicide as they become helpless,sick and suffer mental and emotional breakdown without familial support. How do we deal with these staggering social issues?there is no easy answer as even in South Korea and Japan,suicide is at alarmingly higher rate than Western nations?Are socio cultural factors responsible for high suicide rate?

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