Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Media law

Dont shoot the messenger .shut down the sender of toxic hate speech.Why muzzle freedom of the press?it doeant make sense to make media companies bear the brunt of misinformation or cyberbullying or scamming syndicates.dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. If cyberbullies cause victoms to commit suicide,the onus is not to shift the blame to media companies but to punish the person who viralizes hate speech n toxic words.the best way is to do what China does.Give a warning to the wrongdoer to desist or face the music.Ask MCMC to issue a lifelong ban for the user from using any form of social media network be it Twitter,Facebook or Tik Tok as the user has violated the privilege to use social media in a responsible manner.its more scary to the user to be losing the ability to connect with others and can only use the phone or sms function.just cut off the wrong doer to access to all social media and its worse than a fine or jail term. the same goes for scam syndicates or spreaders of misinformation and disinformation.Social media is just a tool for communication and the onus is on the user not to weaponize words by cyberbullying or doing fraudulent acts.As AI gets more sophisticated deep fakes will be prevalent so what do you do.Have better filter or ban the use of AI?Why regulate the information superhighway by putting in a kill switch?educate users to be media savvy is a wiser option. like the novel Farenheit.451 by Ray Bradbury ,burn all libraries as books are dangerous tools of propaganda.so outlaw all books. I think about it again and feel that if users abuse the social media to scam,bully n harrassthen the user should be punished by both the government with a fine or jail term and by the social media provider by blacklisting the user by banning his acopunts from all platforms?But what will happen if the government misuse its power to control freedom of expression by editting,censoring and blocking the voices of dissidents or vociferous critics?Can the govt be sued for repressive actions?How can individual citizens civil rights be safeguatded against governmental overzealous moral policing or trampling on human rights of civilians? When the gateway to information is controlled by a few hegemonic countries,then the freedom to express diverse views can be suppressed.even the PMXviews on social media can be censored and blackout by hegemonic social media providers that rule the information superhighway.It was far sighted leadership of China government to develop ots own software platform for social media like Wechat or Douyinso that diverse multicultural viewpoints can be seenn heard.Social media network is part of propaganda tool for the mass manufacture of consent as proposed by Noam Chomsky.we should be on guard on .the creation of thought police or the existence of moral policing.When how you dress or think is not the right of individual but under external control of institutions,then why exist in a state.be a nomad or tribe like how power is deregulated in ancient societies.

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