Thursday, July 25, 2024

Selective Amnesia

As a former aging Prime Minister indicates,selective amnesia occurs when memory lapses cause one to forget historical facts which are unfavourable to ones good reputation.History is a convenient political tool to reinvent oneself. To the ultra ethno nationalist,lets look at some archeological sites predating the Melaka the land where monsoons meet,the coastal cities of Malaysia from Kedah to Melaka shows the thriving maritime trade of southeast asia for traders from Middle East,India and China and a harmonious multiculturalism showing communities early commercial activity manufacturing glass beads and iron foundry making metalware.the existence of artifacts in Lembah Bujang in Kedah is even older than that of Angkor Wat n Borobodor and predates the Srivijiya and Majapahit empires.the Chola kingdom in south India once extended its influence to. Indonesian islands and these coastal cities of its a misconception to think that the Indians were brought into Malaya by the British colonial masters as migrant workers.Looking at the shipwreck of Nanhai and ships loaded with pottery from China kilns show that trade with Ming dynasty was ongoing with Chinese traders establishing ties with local communities. it would be good if Lembah Bujang can get Unesco cultural heritage status and museums set up so tourists can view the oldest civilization in South East Asia from pre history to proto history.If Angkor Wat and Borobodor draw hordes of tourists,its time to promote a historical heritage of Malaysia too.look at Xian and the archealogical site of tomb of terrracotta warriors.why cant the candi of Kedah get similar tecognition.

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