Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mindf@#$&K and algorithmns

When i think about the book Mind f2#3ks and how Steve Bannon engaged an IT firm.Cambridge Analytica to win over fence sitters in a presidential election in the US,it made me ponder on how. powerful the mass media is in shaping the opinion and controlling the mind of masses.The weaponization of information can be used to control the mind and then the behaviour of masses and is a tool of propagandists in shaping the narrative that influences mass behaviour.Misinformation and disinformation are new ways to distort the facts. We see how the modern media tries to spin the news to scapegoat what they label the bad guys or the black sheep. What determines the general content of the media messages and type of content i received on the social media network.I checked with Chat GPT and what i suspected is confirmed.the account holders personal profile,the click history,the likes,comments and interactions posted are used by the algorithmn to choose what they think are my interests. So why am i getting mandarin soap operas,videos of cats and food porn or health videos and feed by socialist academics and travel videos are a reflection of my browsing history.So if we use algorithms ,we can manipulate the viewers to vote for a certain party or develop a dislike for a certain nationality as they are painted in a bad light. Why do i keep seeing videos posted on angry Spanish protesting mass tourism and shooting water guns at foreign tourists or Japanese locals unhappy with culturally insensitive foreign tourists.Is it a message that overtourism is seeing a backlash by local residents .So look at from the view of local residents,their way of life is disrupted by hordes of foreigners snapping photos or pushing up the cost of rental properties by Air B and B,depleting water resources for golf courses and swimming pools or disrupting religious ceremonies.its time to travel to lesser popular nations like Central Asia or Latin America or Africa.Dont follow the trendsetters and get verbally abused and harrassed as the world is big enough for us to explore. the political strategist Steve Bannon asked Cambridge Analytica to develop fake pages on Facebook and other platforms that look like real forums,groups and news sources they created disinformation pages due to the way facebook recommmendation algorithm works,the feed would pop up in the feed of those who had already liked similar content. when users joined the fake groups,it would post videos and articles that would further provoke and inflame them. in creating a us vs.them narrative,Cambridge Analytica became a digitized,scaled and automated version of a propaganda tactic the US and its allies have used in other countries.Steve Bannon wanted CA to probe deeper.he wanted to test the malleability of the American psyche He wanted to put racially biased questions in the research,testing questions about black people whether they were capable of succeeding in America without the help of the whites..CAs findings confirmed his suspicion.America is filled with racists who remain silent for fear of social shunning. CAs data mining operation had substantial effect on both the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit campaign in the UK.It would be great if i can read what Noam Chomsky wrote in his book Manufacturing Consent.This guy forsees the future trend of hegemonistic democracy. Chomsky wrote about the question of war guilt. He asks the question*to what extent were the German or Japanese people responsible for the atrocities committed by their governments?To what extent are the British or American civilians responsible for the vicious terror bombings of civilians perfected as a technique of warfare by the western democracies and reaching their culmination in Hiroshima or anyone whose political and moral consciousness had been formed by the horrors of the. 1930s,by the war in Ethiopia,the Russia purge,the China incident,the Spanish civil war,the Nazi atrocities,the western reaction to these events and in part complicity in them these questions had particular significance and poignancy. so to put it in context Im ashamed by the action of a China extreme nationalist who stabbed a Japanese mother and schoolchildren in China for no reason as they are strangers but brainwashed by nationalistic sentiments of misplaced patriotism,he did a lone wolf terror attack that ironically killed a Chinese woman who came to their defence.dont repeat the mistakes of history because if you see yourself in the same shoes of a racist ,anti Asian hatred in the US caused a lot of injuries to innocent American Chinese civilians and the recent stabbing of a China student in a New Zealand public bus tells us that violence doesnt solve issues of complex geopolitical differences.dont vent hatred on others as the golden rule says dont do to others what you dont like others to do to you.the Malays have a saying dont spit at the sky,it will fall back onto your face jangan berludah ke langit,akhirnya jatuh ke atas muka sendiri. two wrongs dont make a right.

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