Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What are adult toys or risque is risky

I read that in China,a possessive wife destroyed her hubbys collection of anime figurines because he spent his money on his hobby buying cupboards full of them.So she plotted with her in laws and they broke all the toys in his collection.Heck poor guy to invade the privacy of his man cave and break his beloved toys.Well adult toys help relieve stress and is a better hobby than drinking at the pub or gambling in casino.Give a man or woman their space to relive childhood dreams.i will be devastated if someone burnt all my sketchbooks of paintings and destroy my potted plants or throw away my collection of dangling ear rings. The big boy toys let us have good memories.just give a guy his space. Talking of adult toys,it has double meaning of sex toys.Stupid me went into a toy shop filled with cars,dolls etc after i saw mechanical moving cats and dogs which are battery operated.i thought i will get some new toys for dear pussy.i asked the young shop assistant to show me pet toys.he looked confused.if you know what i mean,petting has another meaning.i said im looking for toys for my pussy.seemed pretty simple to understand,isnt it He led me to a section of locked glass cabinets displaying pink dildos called toy bunny,vibrators and 50 shades of grey penile pumps.A buff young man was examining the box of penile pump.My face turned 50 shades of red.What if a neighbour or friend spots me looking at risque gadgets.Where do i put my face?i didnt know shes a dirty old lady!Shit play it cool and smile,wave at them and give a thumbs up.Malu apa or as Samy Vellu once said in public Kemaluan saya sangat besar.Be thick skinned .keep calm and walk out coolly as pleasure has no age limits.

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