Thursday, July 18, 2024

Very cold wet and heavy rain

heavy thunderstorm in the morning.waited until light rain before going downstairs cafe for breakfast of red bean soup,nasi lemak,fried chicken wings.while walking in the light rain wearing the excellent raincoat i got from Daiso,i saw a lost,frail old lady.the Nepalese security guard gestured to me to help her.She was 87 years old, cant speak malay or english,only cantonese and was disoriented looking for another block in this high density apartment complex where all buildings are same design n colour.i pity her and helped her wear one of my disposal raincoats as it was raining slightly .the path was wet and slippery so i lend her a helping hand as she was wearing plastic slippers and risk a fall .She held my arm until i led her to the lift and she said it was ok.i gave her the raincoat poncho altho she wanted to return it.i find a lot of single elderly women and men living alone without communal support.the management should train guards in CPR or use AED defebrillator machines. i love the wet and cold weather.i tested the new Kalenji track shoes,excellent grip. Well ,rain or shine,Life will go on.

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