Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New books

i walked into a most dangerous store and came out pokai and real broke as hell. i had BMW,no i didnt get a BMW but burnt my wallet.thought ill just browse through some new books when i got hooked by these 3 books after reading the blurb.one is by a south korean monk Haemin Sunim who infuses Buddhist philipsophy in the self help book.the drawings were exquisite n the words offer comfort to us to look for beauty in the most imperfect things so its akin to Zen idea of wahi sabi.that which is broken has its own beauty and so accept it and make the best out of it.. the other book by Japanese writer Michiko Aoyama had an intriguing title.What you are looking for is in the library.the blurb says the tale shows how by listening to your heart,seizing opportunities and reaching out we can fulfil our dreams such optimism is like wait and you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. The final book The Koro Riot is by a Malay author Faisal Tehrani who uses this pen name that sounds ominous like tyranny or terror ini.its a political satire on a fictional nation and sounds like a fantasy horror genre.He seems to be writing in the genre of Kee Thuan Chyes early plays the Swordfish and the concubine,1984 here and Now,the big Purge and We could f@#$!k you Mr Birch.weaving historical tales and current issues,he is giving a thought provoking and teflective analysis of the political scene in Malaysia.What do you expect when the title says No more bullshit,please.We're all Malaysians .

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