Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hell I don't need a brand new car!

Hell!I dont need a brand new car.At this moment I need a brand new body. At the moment i feel like a sleepwalking zombie.My back aches and my knee pain is bad.Multitasking used to be a breeze but age is wearing me down.last night kitty was making loud noises as hes been coughing.need to take him to the vet in the evening for a check up.did some water workout in the morning,followed by washing balcony,change kitty litter,wash and hang laundry and cook lunch.then off to run banking errands and shopping for bakery goods.i m so tired that hell i dont need a brand new car but a brand new body that doesnt creak and foot cramped as i was driving in evening was hard looking for a vet open at nite.went to 2 vets both closed but the one at KD was open luckily.the check up showed high white blood cell count but no fever or hair ball.just an allergy for which he has to take medicine.phew i can have peace of mind to sleep says hes obese and now i need to take him more to exercise outside.kitty was angry when rectal thermometer was used n he took a blood sample he put on sullen face and ignored me after that.but at home he was back to active self.its good to see frisky kitty.this cat has developed an emotional bond woth us he knows how to withdraw his affection and play cold war with me when hes angry.He didnt like the vet who sticked a thermometer in his butt and poked him with needle for blood the whole evening he sulked and refused to look at me or take my tuna treats.bloody manipulative cat when he slept beside me,he refused to hug my leg and turned his face away.its such a heartache when im worried when he was sick and coughing that i had no choice but look for a vet late at nite.but he seems ok after 2 emotional pets are like king in the house.

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